About This Site

Creating a healthy lifestyle should begin with making small changes, like baby steps, in how you live each day. Small changes in how you live each day can lead to amazing rewards.

The articles below are an eclectic collection of topics that interest this author. They are based on personal experiences, research from a variety of books, magazines and internet sites addressing a multitude of topics such as good nutrition, fitness, parenting, grandparenting, the affects of stress, spirtual well-being, grieving and more.

I thank my son for encouraging me to write. Putting my experiences down "on paper" has helped me to organize sometimes chaotic thoughts into something more understandable - at least to me, and give me new direction of self-improvement. Writing can be good therapy.

There is a wealth of information 'out there' and you are also encouraged to read, read, read and find what works best for you!
Afterall, being informed is a great start to living a better healthier life!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Career, Marriage, Family and Mid-Liife Transition

One of the most predictable and important turning points that occur in a career is called a midlife transition. The midlife transition occurs when people take stock of their career and look to what the future holds - "Where will I be in 7 to 10 years? and What do I need to do to get there?"
As with turning points in a career, turning points also occur in relationships. Couples take stock of where their relationship is now and what will it be like in the future. Developing a vision together is critical step in a relationship. Without a shared vision

The Mental and Physical Effects of Stress

Stress in any form can cause numerous health problems, ranging from anxieties, phobias, digestive problems, even becoming more susceptable to illnesses all because STRESS wears down your immune system.

Relational stress in the home, family, workplace and any other interactions taken seriously that has a high level of negativity and/or conflict is more likely to cause
Rejection comes from a variety of sources: pre- or current employers, family or friends.  Rejection begins and ends with naming the faults of , but never recognizing the strengths in the rejected individual.  Understanding the mechanisms of rejection and making positive choices of how to handle negative messages are the most fundamental keys to safeguarding your self esteem and sense of self worth.
Rejection is not an expression of loyalty, and contributes


In the blink of an eye everything can change.
Forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never have that chance again.

The strength behind true reconciliation comes through the acts of apologizing and forgiving. The need for an apology and forgiveness may involve one or both parties. The parties involved must recognize their own part in the event, the weakness within themselves that caused the estrangement.  They must desire reconciliation enough to put ego aside and move forward toward reconciliation

Reconciliation begins with

The Winds of Forgiveness

Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything wrote in the sand: Today my best friend

The Power of Words

May The Words You Speak Today, Be Warm and Kind and Sweet. For Tomorrow They May Be, The Words You Have To Eat !
Simple everyday, normal word choices can be like black ice - not an obvious danger at first glance, but they can certainly impact the results. Words create impressions, images and expectations. Words have power over thoughts and actions. They influence how we think, determine actions and build psychological connections.

Poorly chosen words can

Benefits of Hugging

Reaching out and touching someone, and embracing him/her tightly is a way of saying you care. It is proven to have positive therapeutic effects on both mental and physical ailments. The effects of a good old fashioned bear hug (firm but not crushing!) has immediate effects for both, the hugger and the person being hugged. It loosens you up and breaks the bonds of body as well as of society. Hugging reinforces a positive emotional state necessary to make important and sometimes critical decisions or changes.

Every centimeter of skin (one of our five senses) is sensitive to touch, from the head to the tips of the toes. The possible origin of the need to be touched may begin