About This Site

Creating a healthy lifestyle should begin with making small changes, like baby steps, in how you live each day. Small changes in how you live each day can lead to amazing rewards.

The articles below are an eclectic collection of topics that interest this author. They are based on personal experiences, research from a variety of books, magazines and internet sites addressing a multitude of topics such as good nutrition, fitness, parenting, grandparenting, the affects of stress, spirtual well-being, grieving and more.

I thank my son for encouraging me to write. Putting my experiences down "on paper" has helped me to organize sometimes chaotic thoughts into something more understandable - at least to me, and give me new direction of self-improvement. Writing can be good therapy.

There is a wealth of information 'out there' and you are also encouraged to read, read, read and find what works best for you!
Afterall, being informed is a great start to living a better healthier life!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Getting Fit With Wii !

Many articles have been written about the pro's and con's of the benefits of using Wii Fit to improve your overall health through personal physical fitness. Some articles say it is more hype than fact while more demonstrate that Wii Fit does indeed offer a positive exercise experience.

What makes Wii Fit an effective means of exercise?   Here are 8 very good points:

Privacy and Convenience: As with other exercise videos, Wii Fit allows a person to exercise in the privacy of his/her own home. Some people often feel embarrassed going to a traditional gym.

Personalization: Unlike other video exercise videos, Wii Fit offers a method to calculate body mass and set a desired goal for weight. Once a profile is created, Wii Fit 'recognizes the individual each time he/she returns. It is so personalized that some people even wince just a little when they first step on the Wii Fit board and hear the little “OH!” voice.

Progress Tracking: Wii Fit tracks the individual's progress through a graphic chart and by unlocking new and more challenging exercises. Points also are accumulated through successful completion of exercise routines.

Recognition: The individual hears applause or sees written confirmation of the successful completion of an exercise routine. It is a proven fact that recognition/reward for one's efforts enhances the desire to do more and be more successful in the future. It's great for self-esteem and motivation.

Variety of Timed Workouts: Wii Fit offers strength training, aerobics, yoga and balance. Each area features different short workouts ranging from a minute to upwards of 10 minutes including push-ups and side planks, skiing, jogging and seeing how many times you can spin Hula Hoops.

Balance: Wii Fit places emphasis on balance as a primary focus of it's exercises. Without good balance, exercise is less effective and can sometimes even cause injury.

Rehabilitation: Wii Fit has also been identified as an effective treatment for certain types of rehabilitation. The exercises are performed slowly and specific measurements of body angles and movements are tracked. This offers a more accurate rehabilitation workout because the individual can actually see if the exercise is being performed properly. However, some within the Rehab community feel Wii Fit lacks individual tailoring.

Stress Reduction: Everyone knows that exercising is a great way to improve your health by reducing stress. Deep breathing is a proven stress reliever. The Wii Fit Yoga exercises teach proper breathing techniques and of course, the practice of yoga is an excellent stress reliever. Wii Fit also offers real sweat-inducing aroebic exercises as well as fun games that require a lot of physical activity.

Wii Fit may not be the BEST exercise 'game' ever produced, but it does offer proven benefits and a healthy source of fun for an entire family.

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