About This Site

Creating a healthy lifestyle should begin with making small changes, like baby steps, in how you live each day. Small changes in how you live each day can lead to amazing rewards.

The articles below are an eclectic collection of topics that interest this author. They are based on personal experiences, research from a variety of books, magazines and internet sites addressing a multitude of topics such as good nutrition, fitness, parenting, grandparenting, the affects of stress, spirtual well-being, grieving and more.

I thank my son for encouraging me to write. Putting my experiences down "on paper" has helped me to organize sometimes chaotic thoughts into something more understandable - at least to me, and give me new direction of self-improvement. Writing can be good therapy.

There is a wealth of information 'out there' and you are also encouraged to read, read, read and find what works best for you!
Afterall, being informed is a great start to living a better healthier life!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Mother's Worry

Motherhood (parenthood!) is one of the greatest adventures in life; filled with some challenges and many awesome joys. Mothers begin worrying about their child from conception: about their health, happiness, safety, future, ...absolutely everything AND no matter how old they are!
Here's a poem that describes it well:

A Mother's Worry Never Ends
(author unknown)
We worry from the time we conceive.
Will they make it to trimester three?
We worry about how much they eat
and even when they poop and pee.
We worry when they're two and three,
all the scraps, bumps and boo-boo'd knees.
We worry about them cutting hair
or how much of their sister's they will spare.
We worry about all the teeth that must come free
and if they will need Orthodontistry.
We worry if they will pass the class,
from their first day of school until their last.
We worry about them going off to college
and if we gave them enough knowledge.
We worry for them when their heart does break
and the scar that they might never shake.
We worry for them on their wedding day,
that the love they share may never fade.
We worry for them when their baby comes
now THEIR worrying has just begun.
A Mother's worry never ends.
It just evolves and grows and starts again.

Sometimes worry can get out of hand. Many articles have been written about the wonderful imagination of a child but I've not seen anything written about the powerful imagination of a Mother! Mothers can exercise their imagination most when it comes to their children - by worrying. Mothers can, in 60 seconds or less begin worrying about unrealistic, low probability situations and turn them quickly into catastrophic events!

What IS Worry? Definition: Worry is a cognitive process that involves inner preparation for a future event, with appraisal of possible alternatives and potential consequences. Whew! Now that's a mouthful! More simply put, worrying is normal and is often a necessary part of problem-solving because it alerts and motivates us to take action. However, a little worry can go a long way. Excessive worry is allowing the imagined fears and subsequent emotions to take control. Excessive worrying doesn't solve anything. In fact excessive worrying can be harmful to yourself and those around you.
How do you stop worrying? No matter the source of your worrying, it can be combated by letting go of the imagined fears and taking control of resulting emotions. When worries begin to weigh on you, take a deep breath, say a prayer, indulge in a spa treatment or massage, escape to a quiet spot or go for a walk and listen to calming music.
If you find you need help with getting past excessive worrying, find a support group. Support groups provide the comfort that comes from knowing you are not alone along with multiple opinions and viewpoints. Support groups can be found through your church, library, healthcare provider, or any family-oriented social service agency.

Note from the author: I found that reading what the Bible has to say about worrying worked best for me. The Bible contains many comforting verses about worrying. Here are some of my favorites: Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 6:25-34, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Matthew 6:27, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 11:28, Luke 12:25.

My children are grown now and of course I still worry about them and their children (Yes! NEW worries! yeah!). However, I learned long ago to put my faith in God to protect them and guide them to become the best they can be. And He did! They are amazing and I am truly blessed to say they are mine!

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

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